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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  January 24, 2014 7:00am-10:01am PST

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>> new overnight. and happening now. a brush fire in the north bay. firefighters are on the scene. we'll have a live report coming up. >> a 17 year old oakland girl is dead this morning. her 14 year old brother believed to be the shooter. in an apparent argument over laundry. we'll have more on what happened. lineand the mavericks surf contest kicks off this morning. and the surf is up -- way up. we have a live report standing by from half moon bay. >> the time is 7:00 a.m.. we will begin in the traffic center. >> we are tracking our first hot spot. interstate 80. we spoke about this accident in the last report that it might turn into a hot spot.
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80 westbound and university in what would otherwise be a fairly light morning has now jammed up the ride from san tableapueblo. thankfully, this s the only serious problem that is going to affect drivers this morning. >> here is a look at the weather. >> we are dealing with the dry conditions a red flag warning spread as for temperatures in napa is set freezing. 45 of the door for oakland. satellite and radar shows dry conditions but for the entire west coast. we will continue with unseasonably warm weather and by 3:00 p.m. we may see 70's. by 8:00 p.m. most locations will drop to low
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50's. mild to warm weather sticks around as we head into the weekend. i will have to look to forecast coming up. >> kron 4 was the first to this morning. a brushfire burning along a marin county freeway. firefighters are still on the scene. kron 4's jackie sissel is live now at the scene.jackie what can you tell us? >> it is not that big of an area. we're only talking about 4 5 a.. the smoke is still coming up. given the current conditions and the facts that we have a red flag warning, no rain for a long period of time. here is video from earlier this morning at about 4:00 a.m.. there was a huge blow of a fire. in this area normally this time a year we probably would be full water but because the fact we have not
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had any brain the fuel out here is dry. the fire just took off. firefighters were able to put a perimeter are rhombus but it took them about an hour and 15 minutes to do this. the area is very close to a dealership only about a hundred miles away. it is important t get on this. there were embers been shot up in the air and there was no bloowhen the to send the embers of farther. >> these fires are starting to sparkle all across the state off because we are in the middle to the end of january and we are seeing these fires pop up. >> there is a red flag warning in effect in the north and also in the east bay hills. it seems like these conditions are getting
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worse and worse by the day. we need rain to help the fire fighters fight these fires. >> we can see in your live shot that the firefighters are still on the scene. if you look over to the left, you can see that this fire has sparked again. >> it is absolutely dry. once this hits, it just takes off. there's no stopping it. basically, this is a low-lying, swampy area. this would probably be a foot or two of water where it would be at swampy marsh but this year, it is dry and it is right for condition >> thank you much. reporting to us licenses broke out. >> a homicide suspect found walking around naked after a deadly shooting at a vallejo mobile home park is
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scheduled to appear in court today. in addition to murder charges, 30-year-old angela rose black is expected to be arraigned for the attempted murder of another person. this all happened on wednesday, at the vallejo mobile estates on san miguel road. court records show black was previously found mentally incompetent and committed to a treatment center back in 2012. >> now to oakland where a 17- year-old girl is dead. her 14-year-old accused of firing the shot that kiled her.and on the run. 17-year old justice toliver was shot and killed in the laundry room of her family's oakland apartment building. toliver's cousin says justice and her younger brother got in a fight.because she got bleach on some of his clothes.before he shot her. the teen's family is still in shock this morning. >> this is what we know bought the story. this is the big dumvictim. family membes said that she was a nice
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young girl was killed too soon. off they stated that the brother and her live with the grandmother. they had recently got into a fight over laundry that turned deadly. this is the cousin. >> i saw everything on facebook. i started calling everyone. next thing you know everyone started saying that the police was looking for him. >> it just does not seem real. there are too many people off your dime. >> a again the police are still searching for the 14 year-old. this is a very sad story. >> terisa estacio, kron 4 news. >> line >> right now.
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surfers from around the world are converging near half moon bay. they are getting ready for today's mavericks surf competition. the contest is set to kick off at eight o'clock this morning. kron 4's mike pelton is in half moon bay with more. good morning mike. >> they are ready to get into position for the 8:00 a.m. start. organizers stated that this could big decks most exciting condition hailed. some of them are expecting them to go at least 40 ft. high. >> forecasters say that the conditions could see where some 40 ft. high. this will be an exciting but dangerous competition. organizers made the call to hold the competition. the they gave them two days to get here. some of the surfers are
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heading early to get ready for the competition. i spoke with one surfer. >> sometimes. i actually get more nervous when they're small. but when they are big, you have the whole survival element. >> because of the size of the ways the coast guard is not taking any chances. they're about 40 co-stars the are out here. the coast guard is born to inspect every boat to make sure again, this starts from an
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hour from now. >> even if you were standing there you cannot see anything. >> now where i met but there are so many people down here because the saw refers bordon. people are taking pictures and a lot of them are waiting for the doors open. the >> we will take a quick break. as we come back with more news. we will update you on the kid who stole a lamborghini and try to kill his girlfriends and next. we will tell you when he may next see the side of it sale.a cell.
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align welcome back. we continue to track a hot spot on the east shore freeway. the commute direction heading towards the bay bridge. there is an accident that has backed up traffic through richmond to sand pebble. that is not the only hot spot i will have a complete traffic updates coming up. >> max wade -- the 19-year-old convicted of trying to kill the boyfriend of a young woman he liked -- has been sentenced to life in prison. wade showed no reaction to the judge's sentence. he was 16 when he committed the crimes. on top of the life sentence, the judge added 21-years and four-months of enhancements for pre-meditation and use of a gun. wade was also charged with stealing a yellow convertible lamborghini belonging to celebrity chef
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guy fieri. among other crimes. he will be eligible for parole in 17- or 18-years. >> coming up, it hasn't been months since we've had a drop of rain. so why is there so much standing water all around. i will let you know in my next edition of people behaving badly.
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>> (male annoucer): now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> we have not had a significant amount of rainfall in months .so this begs the question why is so much standing water just standing around nats: ambiance >> this is on san pablo ave in berkeley right outside stella manna restaurant over on university ave also in berkeley leaves and water heading down the storn drain but in this case we know who the culprit is it's this man who just finished washing down the side walk and part of the road >> in case you missed the memo we are in a drought. which means we need to start looking for ways to cut back instead of washing your car yourself try using a carwash, they actually recycle the water and that's a good thing nats: ambiance >> you should never use a water hose unless it has an nozzle to restrict the water use so we don't waste it if you happen to see water running doen the street see if you can spot the source and report it however, see this water its has moss built up under it
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which would imply that this water has been running for a long time >> here is the source and it looks like its being used to keep this orange tree producing fruit nats: ambiance >> but the fact still remains, from richmond to kensington there is a lot of water going to waste we are not at the mandatory conservation yet but at the rate we are going that may be right around the corner >> and one final note the fountain located at the circle in berkeley is using recurcurlated water and they don't drain the fountain to clean so they are doing their part wont you do your's >> in the east bay stanley roberts kron 4 news >> the good new is is that they're red high pressure that assault dominance over the west was start to break down.nils is separate high-
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pressure will start to break down. we have one for the north bay mountains for those of you near santa cruz mountains. if you are still dealing with gusty winds but the winds will start to diminish later. that advisory will expire 1:00 p.m. today. for temperatures today, 41 out the door for san jose. you cannot slip that the wins for helping to mix here are around. the temperatures did not drop. as we head into afternoon you can expect a another mild today. >> plenty of sunshine for mountain dew. 71 degrees for-casdedealview. i why public
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address 7 day around the bay coming up. the >> in the east bay that is not the case for interstate 80, it is pretty heavy. in the westbound direction traffic is backed up to richmond into san papillote. not quite backed up to the park where but almost. in the east, i accident on 580 is slowing the ride down heading out towards castro valley. not far away there is an accident in hayward at jackson, 92 that is backing up traffic into san leandro. otherwise the commute is not
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doing too bad. at the bay bridge, the metering lights have been activated for just under an hour. it is only been in the last 20 minutes that things have started to back up. the traffic is actually quite slow on the bridge so they cycled the metering lights slow work. >> the san mateo bridge even though the volume is up the drive time is not. it is still a 11 to 13 minutes. >> disturbing video from hercules. an s-u-v runs into a 70- year-old man, knocking him down, and sending him to the hospital with serious injuries. the whole thing was caught on a camera mounted on the front of a city bus. it happened last friday a little after six a.m. you can clearly see the elderly man was in the crosswalk when the driver of a dark suv hit himsending him to the ground with a serious head injury.
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>> the driver then got out of his car and walked over to the victim. a passing witness asked if the victim was ok and his comment was he is aliveor he is breathing. and, then he got back in his car, backed up and then drove around the victim and left the scene. >> police say the image was too dark to make out the license plate number. >> governor jerry brown is asking federal judges for two more years to reduce california's prison population. if the state fails to meet its goals. inmates could be released early. the proposal calls for the court to appoint a compliance officer to choose which inmates would be freed. the state faces a spring deadline to reduce the population by 5-thousand inmates. brown wants the deadline extended to february of 20- 16. >> california's health insurance exchange is coming under heavy criticism for its lackluster efforts to
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sign up latinos and for continued paperwork problems that have left some consumers in limbo. members of covered california's board of directors also questioned whether spending millions of dollars to ramp up a marketing campaign was the right approach when there were systemic problems that still needed to be fixed. >> two political groups linked to chris christie's reelection campaign have jersery bridge controversy. attorneys for governor christie's reelection campaign and for the new jersey republican state committee have confirmed receiving subpoenas from both federal and state prosecutors. the controversy stems from accusations that top aides in christie's office ordered lane closures on the george washington bridge. to get revenge on the mayor of fort lee for not endorsing christie during the last election. christie says he didn't know about the lane closings on >> it's a gadget for a good night's sleep: a bed that reads your body, weights.
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four hours on the slopes. and two hours doing this stuff. which leaves me approximately two minutes to get my banking done. so i use the citi mobile app to quickly check my accounts and pay my bills. which leaves me about five seconds to kick back. that was nice. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. citi, with you every step of the way. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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with u-verse high speed internet. of wakin' up... ♪ ♪ the ba [ beep ] >> welcome back. the time is 7:25 a.m. prithis is a gadget for a good night's sleep. a bed that reads your body. vicki liviakis takes a look at the new technology. >> this is one of the only locations where i can fall
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asleep and still get paid for. >> this is a nice comfortable bed. it is also pretty smart. >> will also help you sleep better. once you got in the bed it was able to pick up your heart rate and every time you get out of it it will give you a score. >> the point a bit is that you can alter some of your habits to get a better night's rest. >> absolutely. you can put in everything that you did and how it will affect your sleep. if you look at this over time, you can make the better decisions. >> i have to tell you that this is very informative. >> and stay with kron 4 for the best in technology. we will feature the top 20 new, high tech gadgets from this year's consumer electronics show. our vicki liviakis will host the show. it airs tonight at nine
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o'clock. right after the kron-4 news at eight. >> >> we will be right back. and now my journey across the country has brought me to the lovely city of boston. cheers. and seeing as it's such a historic city, i'm sure they'll appreciate that geico's been saving people money for over 75 years. oh... dear, i've dropped my tea into the boston harbor. huhh... i guess this party's over. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. uncle go one,two,one,two,one [uncle]thistwo,one.cotch,okay? [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven!
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[uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah? so you made some bad decisions last night. make a good one this morning. get two biscuit sandwiches, with your choice of country grilled sausage, egg, and cheese, or bacon, egg, and cheese, both on my new southern style biscuits. you'll save some cash 'cause right now they're two for just three bucks. c'mon cody... let's get some breakfast. you drive. i traded the car for the tattoo.
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>> kron4 was the first to bring you this breaking news this morning. a brush fire burned along in marin county freeway. firefighters are still on the scene. kron4 jackie sissel is live now at the scene. >> you can see the smoke. this fire was only just a couple of acres but given the current conditions and the fact that we have not had any brain for such a long time this fire could have gotten worse. here is video from earlier this morning about 4:00 a.m. this morning when this fire first
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broke out. i spotted this fire on st. francis boulevard. when i got here these lands were huge. the fact that this is a area where this time of year this will probably be saturated a full of water but the lack of rain has really dried out the fuel. >> firefighters were able to put a perimeter up the ticket this fire contained. it did not affect any of the businesses but we are in a red flag warning in the north. just the fact that we have had no rain is such a long time the conditions out here that's-you get a better since us how dry it is. this is a dry hay out
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here. was this catches on fire it just keeps going. we will see more and more of these fires in fact we have seen a lot of them lately. we are and end of january and we are same brush fires just break out pripet they really need help and that comes in the way of rain. >> let's not forget that this is not fire season. >> we are hoping for some rain and erica is seems that the models will say some and then they back off. >> high pressure is still a dominant and any storm that will approach their eater going to fall apart as they approached a coastline or their redirected. we have seen rain but even in
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washington they're not seen anything in fact it looks like high pressure will start to break apart and then perhaps the first week of february will finally see wind. we're looking at pretty wacky weather. hopefully we get rain and temperatures will start to cool. as we take a look at mount tam you can see that the camel was shaking pripet we solved the red flag warning that as an affect on to 1:00 p.m.. as we head into the afternoon 64 degrees for san mateo. 68 for san jose. as for the mavericks surf the temperatures will be in the '60s. we are dealing with morning fog and pretty dense. >> come conditions will warm weather will carry us into the weekend and we will see
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record-breaking highs. the time right now 7:32 a.m.. >> we are having problems with bart commute. there have a delays heading toward san francisco due to a medical emergencies. a person actually fell on the tracks. as we can tell, this person was not struck by a train but there were injured. power to the tracks had to be cut to get the mouth. so for while there were no trades getting into or out of the are run the station. we understand that this situation has been attended to and it has been resolved. they have started to run the trains again and imports when which they are recovering from this problem. that means that delays of 15 to 20 minutes
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but it is likely that the trains are backed up on this line. if you do catch a train into san francisco from rock ridge or macarthur or west oakland and they will have fewer trains coming past. they're likely to be delayed. when bart's says delays, they're talking about train delays not passenger delays. >> the ride through hayward, 880 is backed up. the accident at grant's has been cleared the we are still jammed up on the east shore freeway due to an earlier r occurring accident, westbound interstate 80. the traffic is backed up all the way to richmond. >> new details this morning in the death of a bart officer killed in the line of duty this week.investigators say he was wearing his bullet proof vest when he was shot by a fellow officer.
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but even so.sergeant tom smith's autopsy shows he was killed by a single gunshot wound to the chest. police officials say while vests are generally effective. bullets can sometimes pierce through. >> a public viewing to honor the fallen officer will be next tuesday at seven p-m at the chapel of the chimes in hayward. then his funeral will be wednesday morning at the neighborhood church of castro valley. >> happening now. new video of some of the world's best a big wave surfers in half moon bay is getting underway. out of the water, waves with faces higher than 40 ft. are expected. on the highway spectators are
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pouring into the area. >> already this morning traffic headed to the mavericks is becoming a problem. kron4 will tran is in half moon bay where a person has been hit by a car. >> a man was hit and this is still under investigation is whether or not he jumped in front of the car or if the driver of the car did not see him. this all the traffic for about 30 minutes but the chp has advice. if you come down here you should come early and if you're thinking about parking and surrounding neighborhoods make sure your not blocking someone's driveway. if you are parking their far the you have to walk. make sure that you are far off a road as you possibly can to keep an eye on traffic. also if you can did drop off. that is the best devise their same. that is the very latest. >> the time is 7:36 a.m.. we
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had a rough day with the markets. -trading is continue. the dow is off by 146 points. they tried to make some losses but we are back down. >> we will be right back. [ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does!
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[ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] add a u-verse wireless receiver today. ♪ [ male announcer ] add a u-verse wireless receiver today. use chase freedom at gas stations ♪this quarter and get 5% cash back. so you can keep rolling in style. activate your 5% cash back at chase. so you can.
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>> after 20 years, the nutrition facts label on the back of food packages is getting a makeover. knowledge about nutrition has evolved since the early 1990s, and the food and drug administration says the labels need to reflect that. nutritionists and other health experts have their own wish list for label changes. the number of calories should be more prominent, they say, and the amount of added sugar and percentage of whole wheat in the food should be included. they also want more clarity on serving sizes. >> new details this morning on the possible link between
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soda and cancer. the f-d-a is now testing a variety of foods and beverages that contain a chemical which could cause cancer. the chemical is known as "4-mel". elevated levels were found in 12-ounce cans of "pepsi one" and "malta goya" in california. toxicologists say consumers should not even be exposed to the chemical, that its avoidable and just used to add color to drinks. no word on when that f-d-a study will be released. >> , will take a break. the time is 7:41 a.m.. stephen curry does someone know of a warrior has done in 20 years. we will tell you what that is when we talk with gary radnich.
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>> welcome back. before we get to the freeway i want to update you on the bard delays.t board delays. there waa personable had a medical incident and they had to shut down the power to the station to get this person from the track. all this has been accomplished but they have other delays on of the bay point line and they are talking about delays of 15 to 20 minutes. >> let's talk about the freeway. we are still
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attracting big delays for the east shore freeway. interstate 80 westbound had an accident at university ave. over a 32 minute drive times. eastbound interstate 580 is still slow is a castro valley. heavy traffic into downtown a quick look at the bay bridge where the westbound ride remains backed up to the end of the east parking lot. 16 minute drive times. the san mateo bridge, highway 92 is still a quick trip back third 30 minutes. >> take a delicate temperatures right now we're in the 30's and 40's pripet take a look at the afternoon. we will be back in the '70s. 67 degrees for
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vallejo and 68 for san jose. we still have our red flag awarded up to about 1:00 p.m.. high pressure is still dominant but we will continue with clear conditions and very dry weather pripet it will be windy in certain spots and partly cloudy conditions later on tonight. waking up tomorrow morning you can expect coastal fog. >> here is a look at to 7 day around the bay. record warmth is possible for next week. that extended model shows no rain in the bay of to the first week of february. >> good morning gary. the >> good morning. maligned happy friday. especially, for the warriors'. >> >> happy friday. it is
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especially good morning for stephen curry. >> when you put it that way it is perfect redlin. >> he came behind kevin durant. then kevin stated that he is the best shooter ever. >> are always use nicknames. >> i was surprised of the boating because he was right up there. i did not know. >> it was only 300,000 boats a separated them.votes that sepi heard a kobe will not be playing. maligne >> it is still early in the
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morning. >> i will use names. his father called steven and he was so emotional. he was so proud of him. >> one more time, to say that kids can come out and watch, you did not have to be 7 ft.. you do not have to be just physical margolis. but remember, he is still my favorites story but spud webb was 5 ft. 6. he made the nba. >> he shoots the basket like no one else. >> i know last year, it was
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his all-time record, this year, he has fallen off a little bit but still to have this controversy or questioned this morning is he the best shooter ever? >> are you wearing leather pants? >> this is video that you cannot ignore from ex game. the child that one of his brother was killed in this competition. he dedicated this to his brother. >> look at this pripet >> when there is machinery
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involved, that makes sense. i do not like that. >> he won the game. he dedicated this win. >> the machinery fell on his brother. >> this is one of the first time as they have never had a death. he stated that his son likes to have fun. >> it is just something about machinery and flips the scare me. >> the dallas stars were making fun of their opponents. >> on this jumbo drawn after
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bieber was arrested. >> i am pretty sour. >> he was called dry grazing. he was was a girl who is set x of its football player. she used the date, tease john johnsodeshon jacksonh this pitcher of hard-driving the limbe twit a picture hard- driviner driving the lumber
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getting. maligned did not pitch softball players.lamborgh >> do not this awful ballplayers. >> boy, when you have all that money, that makes it dangerous. >> why don't we looked at a model. >> yes, we're all models. >> what has happened to you. >> i am begging you to let me come to the super bowl. i want to get am i did. >> if you were those pants, our problem let you enter it >> i thought about calling your wife to see if i can't comment. i'll go straight to her to see if i can come. >> that would be terrible, you talk all the time. you
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would be wearing of these outfits. >> we will be right back bulldog: oh boy! bulldog: mattress discounters presidents day sale! what's this? a queen-size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497? mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic, icomfort, optimum... and wow!
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four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. [yawns] don't miss the presidents day sale. ♪ mattress discounters
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align the time is 7:55 a.m.. >> we're getting some samples of the upcoming super bowl ads. and they include at least one familiar face. former california governor arnold schwarzenegger. he reportedly got 3-million dollars for the ad he is in. take a look. >> ".simply scrumptious day." >> (video)
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>> (music and video) >> i liked arnold 1. >> we will have to see what this will look like come super bowl time for it >> coming the focoming up for te
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kron4 morning news credit we are live with the mavericks this morning. the big waves can catch anybody off guard. >> plus that phone and down and just what already. that increase in interest from people under smart phones.
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>> new overnight. a brush fire in the north bay. firefighters are on the scene. will have the latest. >> a 17 year-old girl is dead this morning, her 14 year-old brother is believed to be the shooter. we will have more on what happened. >> the mavericks search contest kicks off this morning. we will have a live report. maligned >> it is 8:00 a.m. pripet lasted to start with the weather and traffic. >> we start off with they looked at the ride for the san mateo bridge. traffic is
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doing pretty well. we are tracking a hot spot and that is the ride on interstate 80 in the westbound direction where we have been backed up from pinole all the way to berkeley. there was an earlier current problems. looking at delays for your ride on interstate 80. the 101 ride south bond has a accident reported. we're also track and delays on bart were there was a medical emergency where a person fell on the trackway and manage to injure themselves. they had to suspend service for a while. service is still disrupted with 15 to 20 minutes delays. >> happy friday. we are waking up to patchy fog. breezy conditions in the
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hills and we still have red flag morning and affect. as we take a look at temperatures, we are at the freezing mark. dry weather will not only be here but also across the entire west coast. we will continue with very light conditions of the temperatures will be above average. in fact by today, we may see 70's as we head into the afternoon. we will see 70's for places like oakland and apple. i will bring down your forecast coming up. >> let's head back up to the north bay or a brush fire broke out among ran count say. the fire is now out but kron4 jackie sissel is live at the scene. >> firefighters are still out here. there tried to get this fire under control. the fire itself was only a couple of acres of a given
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the circumstances and the conditions that we are under this could have been much worse. we are starting to see more and more of these fires break out. here is video from earlier this morning about 4:00 a.m. when this fire broke out pripethis time of your normally, this would be full water but it is extremely dry. it is like hate. the smallest y. a small ie can turn into something huge. embers were flying in the air and luckily there was no wind to blow them. let's get back to the conditions. we are in a red flag warning in the north bay. we are starting to see these warnings day after
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day. we have been over a month without any significant rain pripet we started fire all last week to the east bay. if we do not give rise soon, this will continue to get bad. >> you concede fire crews continued to work out here because everything is just so dry. if you can see what it looks like out here. the fuel out here will we are talking about the middle of january and the conditions are bad. firefighters need help and they need this in the whale lane. otherwise we will continue to see these fires break out pripet >> a homicide suspect was, walking around naked after a
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deadly shooting an a vallejo mobile home park. in addition to the murder charges, 30 year-old angela rose black is expected to be arranged for the attempted murder of another person. this all happened on wednesday, at the vallejo mobile estates. court records show that black was present from mentally incompetent and committed to a treatment center back in 2012. >> oakland police continue their search today for the 14 a year suspect. he has not been identified because he is a minor. here is what we know about the store right now. >> this is the victim, 17 year-old justice tolliver. she is a mother of a three year-old toddler. family members said this she was a lovely young woman killed
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tragically too soon. they say that she and her brother live with her grandmother in oakland. they have recently reportedly gotten into a fight and fight turned deadly. >> this is the custom. >> i saw everything on facebook. i started to call everyone. next they know, every one stated that he killed are close. >> it just does not seem real. this is crazy. >> again, this morning, police are trying to find a 14 year-old. we will talk with the oakland police department later. that is the latest. >> terisa estacio, kron 4 news. >> the time is a 06 a.m..8:06 a.
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pripet surfers from a round the world are getting near half moon bay. they're getting ready for today's a mavericks surf competition. this is a live video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. for kron4 mike pelton is in half moon bay with more. >> organizers stated that these conditions are just right but today's competition is maybe the most exciting. you can see a lot of the surfers are gearing up and two dozen of the world's best will team up. the forecasters say that we may see waves 40 ft. high today. that has drawn on a lot of fans and some of them
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are surfers and they're want to get a look at these waves. >> i have never seen anything that big in my life. >> i honestly, i have no idea. that is like something hopefully i can possibly do. >> what is the highest you have searched? the line 8 t10 surfedsurfed? >> 8 to 10. >> they have screens out here and $15 will get you off the door. we just received word that the viewing party is nearly sold out so you should keep that in mind for coming out. >> it has been exciting way
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for the big wave to come. these guys, they have no view. we can see them. >> you can see how far out they are. they have to be pulled out there by about a mile away from the shore. >> they have to go all the way out and that is why a lot of people will go and watch from the beach but back in 2010 those ways injured a couple of people. >> we just lost jackies- that's m mike's audio. >> they have had 48 hours where we are known to have this monster waves. you
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consider the emergency crew that are in their votes to get the best way. they're not waiting. >> coming up on the kron4 morning nils\news bieber's fans everywhere are talking about the rest of their loved pop star. we will show you how they supported him as he was released from jail. >> it may feel like spring here in california, but many parts of the united states are being hit with a mass of winter storms. we will take a look that some of the damage it has caused.
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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>> welcome back. justin bieber is facing jail time following his a d.u.i. i arrests yesterday morning. he was released after posting bail. check this out, before he left, he stops away at the crowd of fans. they were yelling " we love you " to the pop star. and now, other stars are offering advice to him. the >> nicvanilla ice tweet get out after the arrest and invited him to work on the of vanilla ice project.
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>> it is like a snow globe that gets shaken up. until the cells, he would not know his purpose in life. >> he was 16 when he wrote "ice, ice baby. " he is now a remodeling professional with his own show on hgtv. >> we will be right back.
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wht ofandfls eh ye?ugh by usingne ls trh bag ch mth, can angladorceex bs sttch unl th'á so youan te th out ss oen. okay. let's i think i forgot to it's race dapay a bill. what's up ted? yep, paid that one. what about your mortgage? yep, paid that too. alright we're good then. man i feel like i'm forgetting something. eh, it's probably nothing. you worry too much ted. alright, hammer down! bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. citi, with you every step of the way.
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[chris]still smoking up a storm? [tom]yeah.pathetic,isn't it? [chris] ever try to... [tom] quit?of course! my best time was six days. the worst was ...uh...23.4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you... [chris & tom] why are you still smoking? [tom] [sarcastic] "it's so much fun." [chris]why not call the smokers' helpline? the program's free,and... [tom]and they'll tell me..."you oughta quit." [chris] not so. just tell them you're ready to quit. then,they'll tell you how.
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[tom] really? you wouldn't have that number on you,would you? line welcome back. we continue to attract hot spots. first, there is a bart of state. westbound interstate 80 and you can see the traffic is still backed up soprano's leading to the east shore freeway. we have major incidents to slow the ride down. we had a couple of accidents in marin county. it is a slow ride even for a friday. an accident in san jose, 1 01 northbound. this is back and up the traffic in all of the lanes. >> the bay bridge ride, westbound, the meeting were lights were activated. slowly since then the backup has been diminishing.
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>> the golden gate bridge is looking okay. light traffic in both directions. we have escaped the stop and go conditions. >> let me tell you about the bar delays. there was a problem where persons sale. the power was shut down and no trains were allowed to go through four time. there was a resort and we're still looking at delays 15 to 25 minutes. maligned >> mcpherson was snow and cold hitting the midwest and east coast affecting even the bay are >> first it was snow and
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cold hitting the midwest and east coast affecting even the bay area with canceled flights. you will not believe some of the video coming into the news from this morning. nick v alencia has the latest and how it is affecting millions of people. >> in indiana this was a horrifying scene when dozens of cars collided. three people were killed and more than a dozen were injured. there were a lot of car crashes blamed on the deep freeze. there have been treacherous to the north east. this weather is wreaking havoc and flight delays and cancellations are added up. >> the time is 8:19 a.m.. >> we're talking about
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pretty warm conditions. we talked about the rest of the country and we have to keep in mind the wind chill. later on today it will feel like 11 degrees in chicago, 14 degrees in cleveland. we are starting off with temperatures mostly in the 40's. >> check and then on the afternoon, plenty of six is expected. mountain view will have a high of 68 and the temperatures will stay in the mid 60's. low 70's along the delta. it looks like sunny skies and when will start to come down. 65 degrees will be your high for san francisco. the temperatures are still going to be below where they should be so we're still dealing with gusty conditions. red flag warning has been extended to 1:00 p.m.. >> , weather is on tap for
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the we campbell we do have record-breaking highs in your extended forecast. i will have a look picture forecast coming up. >> disturbing video from hercules. a s uv runs into was 78 year-old man, knocking him down, and sending him to the hospital. the whole thing was caught on camera. >> it happened late friday a little after 6:00 a.m.. you can clearly see them elderly man was in the crosswalk when this driver struck him. >> a passing whenas asked the driver if the person was okay. his comment was that the person was alive and breathing. he drove around the victim left the scene. >> police was to find out
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who this driver was unfortunately the camera and because it was so dark they cannot make out what the license plate number was. there are looking for witnesses who might have seen what has happened. >> governor jerry brown was two more years to reduce the prison population. if the state does not release the deadline this some of them could be released early. the state faces a spring deadline to reduce this by 5000. governor brown was to extend this. >> california's health insurance exchanges coming under heavy criticism for its lackluster efforts to sign of latinos and for continued paperwork problems. members of covered california's board of directors also questioned
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whether spending millions of dollars to ramp up a marketing campaign was the right approach. >> still ahead of the kron4 new spread a bart officer is killed in the line of duty. why officials are saying that bulletproof vests are sometimes not enough. yeah help me find some mugs? sure. ♪ [ beep ] hey. okay. [ male announcer ] wake uph.a of folgers.
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♪ the best part of wakin' up so, where do youwant to start? i think this i a pretty good place.
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a line >> welcome back. there is a new flute printer called ood printer call chef jet.
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>> it taste like candy perry e. >> ms jea, a 3- >> a machine, a 3-d printer made this. >> this is a sour apple. >> these are meant to be broken. they are meant to be crumbled carry it they melt in your mouth. >> they're pretty tasty. >> they have all of these
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things coming out. she will give us the top 20 gadgets tonight at 9:00 p.m. after the new spread >> at the time is a 20 6:00 a.m.. there are extremely dry conditions. the crews battled a brush fire. will get an update and tell you more about the red flag warning. good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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>> on the time is 8:30 a.m.. george is following some hot spots. >> about two hours perhaps -- that we have been tracking the east shore freeway. i remember the first accident at university ave. that is over two hours now. this is running over 35
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minutes from hercules to berkeley. this is not what you normally expect on friday morning. there was an accident on 880 northbound that is backing of traffic into castro valley. not only on the nimitz freeway but the 238. for 30 days in a row we have seen slow traffic coming off t38 >> we are continuing to monitor delays with bart. this is along the pittsburg line. they are reporting 10 to 25 minute delay is due to an earlier medical emergency. a person actually fell on the tracks. the good news is that they were not struck by a train but they were injured. for a while, all power had to be shut down. >> let's take a live look
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outside. this is the view from mount tam. we are waking up to sunshine with the exception of the coast. temperatures are mainly in the 40's right now. into the afternoon it will be another mild day. oakland will have a high of 70. low 70's for livermore valley. 68 degrees for san jose. for those of you heading to the mavericks competition you could expect the temperatures to be mainly in the '50s. >> your 7 day around the bay highlights a warmer but calmer weather for the weekend. it looks like record-breaking highs will be possible. >> kron4 was the first to bring you this breaking news this morning. a brush fire burned along at marin county freeway. kron4 jackie sissel is live on the scene. >> firefighting is still out
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here about five hours after this broke out. you can see the area that was burned. it was only a couple of acres molests facing. given the current conditions that we ar under and th. given the factt we have not had any rain this cut have been worse. >> i notice this fire when i was driving in. it made a marshy area, like a watershed. this fire it took off because of the soil dry out here. it is like a match when flames hit it. flames are shooting 25 30
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ft. in the air and osmanli they were able to get this under control. they were happy to hear there was no wind in the area but, we are in a red flag warning right now and the conditions are bad. we have not had any rain. everything is dry dock. we see the fires continue to break out in all over the bay area. >> this is one of those things that if we do not get rain soon, we will continue to see these poppel fires. up fe spread it is a low area and this time of year it normally is full of water but if you come over here you can see how dry is. it is like that all over marin county. if you look on the
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hill it is dry. the conditions are right for this to break out. the firefighters will load some rain. >> new this morning. police looking for a man who beat another man with the guitar. this happened at the north concord/marin-that's martinez bart station on wednesday night.police lieutenat the victim was bashed in the head several times. he has a number injuries to his face and head. the victim was taken to hospital and has been released. the person who attacked him is still on the loose. >> no affirmation this morning. walnut creek police said there searching for three suspects for robbing a kaiser hospital worker. it happened on wednesday night in the kaiser a parking garage. two of the suspects
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are described as white men in their 20s. there was no description of the third person. officials said they fled in a silver as you become a possibly a toyota highlander. >> new details this morning in the death of a bart's officer killed in a line of duty. investigators say he was wearing his bulletproof vest when he was shot. even so, sergeant tom smith's autopsy shows that he was killed by a single gunshot wound to the test. police officials said that the best are generally effective but ballista sometime peers through. >> happening right now the mavericks invitational big wave search contest is under way. some of the world's best surfers are in half moon bay. this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news show on surfers out on the water.
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sure officials are warning onlookers not to was a contest from the beach, cliffs or the bluffs because high surf and other safety reasons. >> a lot of people have headed out to see this big contest. the mavericks of dealing festival at the luciano hotel is almost sold out. kron4 will tran the show was more. >> if you want to come here there is still time because the tickets are still available. they are quickly running out. and joining me now is a person that is selling the tickets. >> tell me what your response is? >> i was really surprised at how our early people got here. >> as far as the tickets go, there was word that you may be out. what is the timetable? >> i will say that in a couple of hours it would
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probably have about 500 tickets left. >> >> remember this. this was what happens back in 2010. that is why they want to go to a hotel instead. it will be a much better experience. >> there is plenty of people who do it. coming next, we will talk about more evidence of why is so dangerous to tax them what on the road. text and what on t. alk on the road.
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>> also trendy now. if you easily get distracted by yourself on, put it down and come listen. a new survey out this morning shows more people are landing in the hospital because of distracted walking. >> you know, walking with your head down, looking at your cell phone, texting and walking, plan games, what
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ever pripet don't laugh too hard! >> the pew research group found that more than half a cell phone users have been affected by distract a walking either you bump into someone, or someone bumps into you. here is when there really is dangerous. researchers say that one out of three people they are observed were so distracted by their cell phone they did not even looked across the street. that might be why the number of people who have gone to the hospital were heard. >> by your stamps now. because come sunday, prices are going up. it the will now cost you 49¢ to mail a letter. this is the largest
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increase in postage prices for consumers to more than a decade. last month, the postal service gave the okay to raise prices to keep up with inflation. mellon a postcard also go up to 34¢, and a 1¢ increase. >> stocks are falling again on wall street, following a global downturn as investors dumped risky assets. investors are worrying about sharp drops in the dow is the currencies and several emerging markets including turkey, russia, south africa and argentina. >> coming up on the kron4 news. poker you can play from the comfort of your own home. how a new app is bringing the game live just by using a tablet or smart phone.
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>> welcome back. there is a new way to play poker with your friends. just turn on the tv. rich demuro
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explains in today's tech report. >> for years if you wanted the excitement of like a poker you had to go to vegas. >> i mold to vegas in 1998. i won a couple of championships. >> let's go play a little bit of poker. >> he is here to show me how to play with this new app. >> you still download this on your phone but it interacts with the television. >> its treasurer tv screen into a poker room and players manage their cards and chips from their phone. this interaction of what is on-screen. >> this is a social experience. >> he did his best to intimidate me. >> what we normally do is let the person win a couple of times. >> his skills have to be
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improved. >> i am just want to put it all in. >> and end, it was my hand and problem look that one.proban the game. >> it takes away from someone have to deal and count the pot. it takes care of everything for you. >> i am pretty sure that's- if you want to learn more about this just go to our website the >> we are still tracking delays for over 21 1/2 hours. it has been a hot spot. the ride is still
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jammed up. even 580 to the macarthur mayes is starting to get have a. i think some people have been looking for alternates. 880 is still heavy. there was an earlier r occurring problem at 98. the right here on 1 01 southbound. we had an accident. >> we have delays that are persisting and a person fell on a track. service was disrupted for a time. the bay bridge was like this. with virtually no backups pripet fasttrack is slow but cash lanes on the left- hand side are okay. the san mateo bridge ride is looking gray with no stop and go
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conditions. >> it is starting to look foggy outside was still look with erica. >> this is born to affect people going to the mavericks surf contest. the temperatures are currently in the low 50's. as we head into the afternoon the temperatures will start to warm-up. 73 degrees for oakland. the clubs will start to peel back. satellites and radar shows dry conditions in fact, it is dry over the entire west coast. most models are showing rain. we have a red flag warning in effect for the north bay mountains. we are dealing with the dry conditions and is when the answer spots. partly cloudy conditions later on tonight in waking up tomorrow
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morning we can see coastal fog. >> the seven there around the bay shows warmer weather for the weekend with a record breaking highs pripet we will wrap up with record-breaking highs and dry conditions. >> the time is 8:50 a.m. pripet trending right now are comments from former republican presidential candidate mike kobhuckabee about birth control, and the so-called " war on women " to. you may see links to this on facebook this morning. he is saying that its and democrats who demean women and by bringing their sex lives and to debate. >> our party stands for recognition of the quality a
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woman and a capacity of women. that is not a war on them it is a war for them. and if the democrats want to insult the women of america by making them believe that they are helpless without local sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription be small for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it. >> huckabee was talking to the republican national committee. the gop have stated that his comments were offensive. maligned new details this morning on a possible link between seoul and cancer. >> the fda is now testing a variety of foods that contain a chemical that could cause cancer. the
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chemical is known as 4 mel. elevated levels were found in 12 oz cans of pepsione and the malta goya in california. no word on when the fda study will be released. >> after 20 years, the nutrition facts label on the back of food packages is getting a makeover. knowledge about nutrition has evolved since the 1990's. the food and drug a minister is in says that these labels need to reflect that. nutrition is another health experts have their own wish list for label changes. t of calories should be more prominent, they say, and the amount of added sugar and the percentage of whole wheat included also be included. >> coming up on the kron 4 news. super bowl commercials may be just as popular as the game. we will show you a
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preview of some of the ads when we come back.
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>> welcome back. the time is 8:55 a.m.. we are getting samples of the upcoming super bowl ads. they include a least one of familiar face, former california governor arnold schwarzenagger reported he reportedly got $3 million for this act. take a look. >> (music and video) .).
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>> my favorite one was on
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the one with arnold perry ed >> still ahead on the 9:00 a.m. news. '90s superstar vanilla ice has some device for the juandjustin biadvice fon bieber this morning. offer that he is giving the troubled 19 year-old. >> they are among the best in the breed. we are live at the cal palace this morning with a preview of the golden gate kennel club dog show.
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>> we will also have people behaving badly.
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linenew overnight. and happening now. a brush fire in the north bay. firefighters are on the scene. we'll have a live report coming up. >> a 17 year old oakland girl is dead this morning. her
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14 year old brother believed to be the shooter. in an apparent argument over laundry. we'll have more on what happened. >> and the mavericks surf contest kicks off this morning. and the surf is up -- way up. we have a live report standing by from half moon bay. >> good morning i'm james fletcher. and i'm darya folsom. it's nine a-m. right now. >> we continue to attract hot spots. it has been like this over two hours. we have had a hot spot, to accidents that were backing up the ride. we are still recovering pripet the nimitz freeway is still slow and the downtown oakland. we are still tracking delays for 1 01 in the south bay as we shift the map you concede 1
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01 north is still sluggish from before the 280, 880 interchange. this all the way up to a highway 237. >> taken a look at the temperatures, rich and is up 38 degrees and 41 out the door in about zero. holding on the upper 50s and 454 redwood city. the temperatures are starting to climb however we are still dealing with patchy fog. satellite and radar shows dry conditions for in fact, with they see temperatures much warm and where they should be. in fact, by lunchtime will be in the '60s approach and '70's. >> by 8:00 p.m. tonight you can expect temperatures to be in the low 50's. >> we do have minor changes as we head into the weekend. i will have full details
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coming up. >> the time is 9:01 a.m.. surfers from around the world are converging near half moon bay. they are getting ready for today's mavericks surf competition. this is live video from our helicopter partnership with abc-7 news. the contest is kicking off right now. kron 4's mike pelton is in half moon bay with more. good morning mike. >> there are pitfalls of people making their way here. they want to be a part of this experience. this competition and you concede video of the competition. this began about an hour ago 24 of the world's best are competing. this is potentially one of the best ever. the beaches are closed today so much to get on a boat you cannot watch it there but they have
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been doing a parted by the old qian of hotel. spectators paid $15 to get them. still, i found that many visitors are still excited. others are just curious. >> i did not know anything about surfing but i assault on line and i was coined to be in the area so we came out. >> i'm just looking to take some action. >> are you nervous for the waves? >> yes. >> because of the highways, the coast guard is not on take any chances. those who are going out on a boat, perhaps cornice fishing boats, the coast guard is
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expecting you to make sure that you have life jackets and is offering advice because of the high winds and high serfs. >> i had a chance to speak with a surfer earlier this morning and this is what he had to say. >> we have just lost mike's audio. >> as he stated, the jumbo traumas not working. you might be better off just watching it on the internet on television. >> we will continue to bring you our team coverage under way this morning and we are waiting, the biggest wave is still on to hit. >> kron4 was the first to bring you this breaking news this morning pripet the fire
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is out now but as you can see fire fighters have not left the scene. jackie sizzlssel is still alive on the scene. >> let's face it, this is not supposed to be this way. this is because it is so dry out here. this is normally a marshy area and it would be full water. because it is so dry it is like it really took off.
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>> in a small spark can ignite these lines. we have seen these warnings go up almost daily for the past weeks pripet this is the middle of the winter season and we should not be seen this pripet days continue to dry out but as i stated we see these small fires break out periodically to the last couple of days and weeks. fire fighters are stating that they need help in the way rain. this would baa area full of water but today it was fire. >> oakland police continue to search for a 14 year-old boy who is accused of killing his sister. their families sestet the siblings got into a fight over laundry which it turned deadly. kron4 terisa estacio
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has the latest. >> oakland police continue their search today for the 14 year suspect. he has not been identified because he is a minor. here is what we know about the story right now. this is the victim, 17 year-old justice tolliver. see as a mother of a three year-old toddler. her family says the she was a lovely young woman and she was killed tragically too soon. they stated that she and her brother live with the grandmother in oakland. >> they had recently reportedly got into a fight and fight turned deadly this is a the cousin. >> i started calling ever won. ieveryone carry
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>> there are too many people watch your dined. it is just crazy. >> again, this morning police are still trying to find the 14 year old. i will speak to the oakland police a par michelin but that is the latest. >> terisa estacio, kron 4 news. >> coming up on the kron4 morning new spread international punchline justin bieber get some of fighters from someone who has been there beforeadvice fros been there before.
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and >> just just >> justin bieber is facing jail time following his a deal i arrested yesterday morning. he was released after posting bail. check this out, before he left, he stopped to wave at the crowd. and now, of the stars are offering him some type of advice. vanill ice twitter it out after the arrest and invited him to come and work for him at his
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project. he stated that he is to have coffee institute of alcohol and do some good work. >> he is like a snow globe the business taken up.that is b >> we will be right back.
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>> some of the stars of the adult world are coming to the stage this weekend in the bay area. this is for the golden gate kennel club all breed of dog show. kron4 justine waldman joins us live from the cow palace this morning. >> this is a one-hour special that will take you behind the stock show. i am here with to champion dogs. this is his handler, his owner. >> he received his first two points here two years ago. >> i also want to introduce you to this dog. what do you like about the dog show? >> this is a great place and
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you can answer questions about who your dog is and why he is important it is just a great place to meet people. >> so, if you come down here you get to go behind the scene and interact with the dogs. >> let's bring in mike, he is one of the organizers. >> you are telling me that the cow palace is full of people. >> yes, we have over 1400 docs, 140 breeds for people to see on display. they can ask questions that they have about any particular dog. >> it is not only is saturday, you could come either saturday or sunday. >> we want to show you some more the dogs. >> what, dog is this? >> she has gorgeous hair.
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how do you keep are so pretty? >> i just pressure.brush her. >> if you wanted to have a dog like this but do you have to do? >> if you are afraid of vacuuming you should not have one. he sheds a lot >> we will talk more about what is happening. maybe you know grant lotus we're gonna have a big show in february. will be back later along with more. >> the time is 9:17 a.m..
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>> as we take a look at temperatures we are in the low 50's in san francisco. 40 degrees for the arrest. we started the morning off to the 30's. fire danger is still in effect. there's still a red flag warning. following the numbers into the afternoon we have plenty of the upper 60s. mountain view has a high of 68 degrees. evergreen has a high of 70 degrees the temperatures will be way above average. getting close to seven days, 69 degrees for castro valley. mid 60's for downtown san francisco and '70's will be are high for oakland. we are talking about pretty warm weather. we will continue with this warm-up for the weekend. again, the red flag 1 and will expire at 1:00 p.m..
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>> i will have full details of your forecast coming up. >> we are still looking as slow traffic for the east shore freeway. it is backed up all the way to pinole. your ride towards the macarthur mayes and in the south, it is a slow ride as well. there was an accident and there had been an accident starbucks south but once it shifted north we are still jammed up. looking at your ride to the bay bridge not much in the wake of a back up. for '92, the san mateo bridge the westbound ride is looking good and we avoided all stop and go conditions. >> and better nils for the bart commuter after being delayed. all this has
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cleared up and their system is back on time. we will take a quick break the time is 9:19 a.m.. we will be right back.
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>> it is time for the tech reports with gabe slate. >> nsa leaker edward snowden set up a web chat. some of his answers were very here is some highlights. >> during his at checked thousands of questions came this is a watchdog group
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that has information about him and money that they're raising for him. he stated that they do not protect contractors that are working for the government. he stated based on current laws that could have arrested him for a felony. he played it safe they gave it to newspapers. >> someone wanted to know if he felt bad and he stated that to the report was not true and that he never stole or lied to and co-workers. >> when asked if he would return to the united states he stated that coming back would be the best resolution for the government the public and myself but it is not possible in the face of the protection laws. he stated that it does not cover national security. >> he then went on to state that congress needs to reform this and then maybe he can get a fair trial.
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when asked about his opinion about spying he stated that some spine is okay and necessary but he wants people to be able to dial number and send a text or write an e-mail or visit a web site without having to worry about what it will look right pri >> when asked if he feared for his life, he stated that he would not be intimidated. >> gabe slate, kron 4 news. >> the winter olympics is just two weeks away. for the first time since 2002, the jamaican bobsled team will make a showing. you remember them, they inspired the disney movie cool runnings. so, they qualified for the sochi games. but they did not have enough money to go. that is until some very generous people step then curry at don riddell has the
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story. >> before they packed their bags they have one problem. and they did not have money. they needed a lot of it. they needed more than $80,000 to cover travel and equipment fees. they went on line. to on-line campaigns help the team raise more than double the amount of cash to they were hoping for. >> one fund raiser was started by an average olympics offense and anyone who golden is $50 to more got a free t-shirt. >> it was the popular 1993 disney movie corning's which chronicled so limpid journey of jamaica's first bobsled team and made them one of
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the most famous teams. this is such a great selling. that is how we are still the right now. >> the team captain came out of retirement to lead the team. a lot of people ask us if we're really crazy coming from this tropical country doing this sport. but sometimes are really looking to myself and say yes we are really crazy but on the other side of it, it is not many people that say that they are from a tropical country, going out there and do it would transport and they are so good at it. >> thanks to people from all over the world who are inspired by their story, they now have another shot at an olympic glory. >> don riddell, cnn
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atlanta. >> here is a live look outside. it will be at another warm day around the bay. i will have the very latest with erica coming up. bay. i will have the very latest with erica coming up. good. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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with u-verse high speed internet. [man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams]
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>> welcome back. we are saying the sunshine. as we take a look at the afternoon paper san francisco will stay in the mid 60's. i do not they will will breaking records today. not only are we deal with dry weather over the bay area but we are also deal with this over the entire west coast. the extended model some point to
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rain especially there will bay record-breaking highs as we head into next week. >> we are finally seeing some relief for the east shore freeway. for two hours it was a hot spot. the drive time is over 30 minutes. the traffic is just sluggish. in the south bay where are still looking at very slow traffic on 1 01 northbound direction. this heavy traffic is less than all the way from the trumbo the delta crew was accessed. the traffic is backed up all the way to the 880 interchange. >> the mavericks
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invitational big wave search contest is under way. some of the world's best big wave surfers are in half moon bay area. if this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. some officials are warning onlookers thought to wash the contest from the beaches, cliffs or the gloves because of high surf. >> lots of people have had about to see this big contest. the mavericks dealing festival at the host, hotel is almost sold out. kron4 will tran is live with more. >> joining us now is a person that is selling some tickets. can you tell me what to responds is this morning. >> i was just call i just
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cannot believe how early everyone came. >> what is the timeframe? >> probably in a couple of hours. we probably only have about 500 tickets left. >> >> new this morning police are looking for a man who beat another man with a guitar. this happened at the north concord-martinez bart station on wednesday night. the victim was taken to the
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hospital and has been released. the person who attacked him is still on the lows. >> what a creep police say they're searching for three suspects for robbing a kaiser hospital worker. this happened on wednesday night and kaiser parking garage. there was no description of the third person but two of them are expected to be white in their 20s. >> new details is one in the death of the bart officer killed in a line of duty this week. investigators say that he was wearing his bulletproof vest at the time. even so, sergeant tom smith's autopsy shows that he was killed by a single gunshot wound to the chest. >> a public view in town of the fallen officer will be next tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the chapel times in hayward. >> the drought is also
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causing a major issues for northern california creeks. right now, we're having a great year as far as numbers go. this may sound like a good problem to have but this year, not so much. rivers where the spawn are so low that the fish are getting crowded. >> their eggs require water and they require an appropriate amount of water to basically carry away waste provide oxygen cool temperatures and as those slops drop, you can end up dried eggs completely up. >> people are walking a crushing debt eggs when they go out to fish, birds will have more easy access to eat the eggs. >> there is a petition on before the state fish and game commission right now to close down the american river, the russian river, and many of the coaster
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strings and make it illegal to fish. >> the commission is expected to hand down its decision as early as the first week of february. >> coming up on the kron 4 news. he stole a lamborghini and try to kill his ex. now i no. 18 is facing life behind bars.
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>> welcome back. max wade the 19 year-old convicted of trying to kill the boyfriend of a young woman he liked has been sentenced to life in prison. he showed no reaction to the judge's sentence. he was 16 when he committed the crime. on top of the life sentence, the judge added 21 years and four months of enhancements
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for premeditation and the use of the gun. he was also charged was still in a yellow convertible lever getting that belong to celebrity chef guy fieri, >> disturbing video from hercules. a s uv runs into a 70 year-old man, knocking him down, sending him to the hospital. the whole thing was caught on camera. you could clearly see the elderly man was in the crosswalk when the driver of the best you be hit him sending him to the ground. >> the driver then got out of his car and walked over to the victim, a passing witness asked if the victim was okay at is, it was that he is alive. he is reading. then he got back in his car,
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backed up and then drove away. >> police somesay, that the image was to drtoo dark to make up the license plates. >> we will have people behaving badly coming up
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>> (male annoucer): now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> we have not had a significant amount of rainfall in months .so this begs the question why is so much standing water just standing around nats: ambiance >> this is on san pablo ave in berkeley right outside stella manna restaurant over on university ave also in berkeley leaves and water heading down the storn drain >> but in this case we know who the culprit is it's this man who just finished washing down the side walk and part of the road nats: ambiance >> in case you missed the memo we are in a drought. which means we need to start looking for ways to cut back instead of washing your car yourself try using a carwash, they actually recycle the water and that's a good thing
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nats: ambiance >> you should never use a water hose unless it has an nozzle to restrict the water use so we don't waste it if you happen to see water running doen the street see if you can spot the source and report it however, see this water its has moss built up under it which would imply that this water has been running for a long time >> here is the source and it looks like its being used to keep this orange tree producing fruit nats: ambiance but the fact still remains, from richmond to kensington there is a lot of water going to waste we are not at the mandatory conservation yet but at the rate we are going that may be right around the corner >> and one final note the fountain located at the circle in berkeley is using recurcurlated water and they don't drain the fountain to clean so they are doing their part wont you do your's >> in the east bay stanley roberts kron 4 news
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>> the first week of february will be our best bet for right. it is now going to hit the bay for the next we can have. here is a look at your afternoon highs. we could see low 70's out the door in livermore valley. i do not think will breaking records today but temperatures are still well below where this debate. it is a little windy and spots and we have seen gusts up to 35 mi. per hour. later on tonight the way and will come down was a partly cloudy conditions. we are waking up to coastal fog and warmer weather and a half ago. we will see this on the 7 day around the bay. record-breaking highs will be possible. again, there is no rain expected. >> the time is 9:46 a.m..
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>> we are saying improvements in the south bay on 1 01 in the north bound directionally now from the guadalupe parkway. this is also a stretch of the bayshore commute and finally the lanes are clearing up. there were a number of earlier our currentand slow the ride down before 280. >> of the bridges, conditions are much better than where they were before. the bay bridge is just a little sluggish and right hand cash wind. the san mateo bridge, highway 92 is free of any delays from 880 all the way to a highway 101. the golden gate bridge is also looking good. they are however a little late in 3 configuring the bridge. they have had this third laid especially on friday
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because we typically see more traffic than on any other day through the week. they are little bit behind schedule this morning but there are no backups on the northbound side. >> some of the stars of the dog world are coming to the stage this weekend in the bay area. for the "golden gate kennel club's all-breed dog show." kron four justine waldman joins us live from the cow palace this morning, >> you are looking as some of them that will be here saturday and sunday. this is all part of a special that we are putting on. this will be aired a little bit later in february. i want to introduce you to some of them. this is a champion dog. what category would he be in? >> he will be in the herding group. >> you told me that he is very motivated. so how did
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you do that? >> with food. >> he is also have won a title before. >> good luck. >> not only do you get to watch them but you also can go behind the sing and meet them. there also some new things that is happening. >> this year, will have a fashion show on saturday. we also have a dancing dogs on both saturday and sunday. we also have rallies here. we have a couple of new things happening. so, all, and you is still buy tickets. the tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for seniors. >> what type of dog is this?
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>> he has a little drooling problem. >> just a little bit. >> is he going to be competing this weekend? >> yes. >> it is pretty much the whole concept about what we are doing. we are promoting a breeding. this gives us an opportunity and the public to look that breeds the they're interested in. the amount of work, this is prestigious. >> i cannot help but. there are a lot of dogs out here. this is saturday and sunday. >> and kron four will have
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a prime time special on the dog show next month. >> toy car race track sets have come a long way in the digital age. now, you can use your phone to control your car. the competition you are racing against and a mind of its own. vicki li viakis takes a look at this new technology. >> they think for themselves. our goal is to bring robotics and really invent the way that we interact with the world. this is a great place to start. we can reinvent the
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way people play. >> let's play. >> you just pick up these control handles. you are playing against three cars that are driving themselves. >> i am want to go really fast >> i will back up. the best part, i would i get a speeding ticket. >> the key so much. >>we will be right back.
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>> on welcome back. police have just released the name of the 14 year-old boy who is accused of killing his sister in an argument over laundry. investigators are looking for mario oakland
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police are not giving us a picture of him but they consider him to be armed and dangerous. he has been on the run since the shooting. we will have more on our website. >> there are a lot of people out in half moon bay right now hoping to catch a look at the surfers. will tran is live with more. >> the line is getting very long. if you want to come to this possible, you still have time because tickets are still available. there quickly one now. joining me now is someone who is selling tickets. what is your response this morning? >> i was really surprised at how early and fast people arrived. >> what is the timetable
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for the tickets? >> i will say the way things are going is about and a couple of hours. we probably have about 500 lost. so, what happens if you run out? >> it just depends on how everyone has been behaving. you are not allowed to get very close to the event. this is about the only place you can see it. >> so of the words, people come here and they did not want to leave. >> pretty much. you have the full and the other things that are available. >> will tran, kron 4 news. >> spend a day enjoy the rest of your friday. we will see you back from o.
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>> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." abused for years by her stepfather. >> dr. phil: your mother walks in the room and he's where? >> on top of me. in my bed. >> i don't recall walking in on anything. >> announcer: how can a mother not remember? >> dr. phil: you don't recall any of the sexual abuse? >> i was like mom, we need to get out of here. he said suck it up. >> brad would never say that. >> you're the one that doesn't remember. i do. >> dr. phil: let's do it. >> have a good show, everybody. here we go. >> dr. phil: i hate to see people suffering. you've hurt long enough. >> stand by, dr. phil. >> dr. phil: i'm going to get you the help you need. this is going to be a changing day in your life. [applause]


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